Andy Williamson
Candidate for Edinburgh South

Andy is a Bruntsfield/Viewforth-based founder and owner of businesses in both the UK and the US. He founded and runs an education business in Seattle specialising in working with atypical learners. He also co-founded a mental health private practice in Seattle in 2020, which he sold in 2023. He currently runs an Edinburgh-based consultancy helping organisations manage neurodiversity.
Andy originally moved to Edinburgh in 2009 to complete a postgraduate degree in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, although remained in the city after completing his studies. After a six-year break living in Seattle, Andy returned to Edinburgh with his wife and two small children.
Outside of work and family life, Andy participates in a variety of sports throughout Edinburgh, including membership of tennis, cricket, and rugby clubs.
Andy has always been a LibDem, motivated by a strong passion for freedom, reason, and fairness within society. 2024 is the first election Andy has run in, driven by a desire to see improvements in the way local, national, and federal politics is conducted, as well as to represent the various communities to which he belongs.
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