Cole-Hamilton comments after Scottish Budget
Commenting after the Scottish Budget, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said:
“After 17 years, this country is badly off course and we are honest we know that the only thing that will truly bring about the change that Scotland needs is a change of government.
“In the meantime, Liberal Democrats will work hard to unpick some of the damage that has been done.
“So, it is right that the government have listened to the Liberal Democrats and included spending on social care, affordable homes, insulation, winter fuel payments, additional support needs, ferries, GPs, dentists, long covid, mental health, Edinburgh’s Eye Pavilion, the Belford Hospital and business rate relief for hospitality.
“All of these are Liberal Democrat priorities and they are in the budget.
“But let me be clear, this does not guarantee our support. As in all budgets, the devil will be in the detail.”