Cole-Hamilton responds to health board building projects fiasco

Responding to NHS Assure reports, released to the BBC under freedom of information laws, which identify hundreds of problems with health board building projects including issues with ventilation, fire hazards and infection control, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader and health spokesperson Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said:
"This trouble shooting scheme was set up because there were big problems with the new Glasgow super hospital and lengthy delays at the new Edinburgh Sick Kids hospital. These revelations make clear that problems were not just confined to those two major projects.
"This SNP government has caused serious damage to Scotland's NHS. Concerns like these lead to delays and backlogs, putting patients at further risk and leaving staff under more severe strain.
“It’s clear that successive ministers ignored the warning signs and allowed problems to come to a head. The Health Secretary must now move quickly to work with health boards to resolve outstanding issues and ensure that buildings are safe and fit for purpose.”