Cole-Hamilton responds to revelation care service centralisation could cost £3.9bn

Responding to the revelation that the SNP's centralisation of care services could cost up to £3.9bn, despite Parliament first being told starting costs could be £644m, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said:
"It would be absolutely unconscionable for the Scottish Government to ask MSPs to back a bill which blows a vast hole in our public finances with no clear end goal in sight.
"No wonder the legislation has been pushed back three times already. All versions of this centralisation are proving outrageously expensive and completely unworkable.
“The SNP wanted this legislation to be the centrepiece of Nicola Sturgeon’s legacy. Instead they are creating a monster.
“The money that has been and will be wasted on unnecessary bureaucracy should be spent on boosting pay and conditions for frontline care staff and ensuring that conditions for service users improve. That’s what social care services really need.”