Cole-Hamilton: Yousaf must end national shame of drug deaths

Speaking ahead of the publication of annual drug deaths figures, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has called on Humza Yousaf to end the “national shame” of drug deaths in Scotland.
In 2021, there were 1,330 drug deaths in Scotland, a rate of 250 per million people. This represents a drug death rate five times higher than that of London, with 47.6 deaths per million.
The rate of drug deaths in Scotland is currently three and a half times higher than anywhere else in Europe.
Mr Cole-Hamilton said:
“Like many, I am dreading the publication of these figures.
“Every drug death is preventable, so I will never understand why Nicola Sturgeon, by her own admission, took her eye off the ball and slashed tens of millions from essential services.
“With deaths that are now many times worse than anywhere else in Europe, Humza Yousaf must do what his predecessor failed to do and put an end to this national shame.
“Scottish Liberal Democrats want to see the immediate introduction of specialist drug commissions, safe consumption spaces and the decriminalisation of drug misuse so that people receive treatment instead of prison time. It’s time to stop people dying.”