Jardine: Flynn kept in dark over auditors shows juggernaut of chaos

Responding to Stephen Flynn’s appearance on BBC Radio’s Good Morning Scotland, where he revealed that he was only told about the resignation of SNP auditors in February, two months after he was appointed the party’s Westminster leader and two months after his predecessor Ian Blackford said he had given Flynn a full briefing on party finances, Liberal Democrat Scottish Affairs spokesperson Christine Jardine MP said:
“This entire mess is a juggernaut of chaos. I feel sorry for junior SNP staff who are being badly let down by those who hold the purse strings.
“It beggars belief that there could be such a murky lack of transparency at the core of Scotland’s governing party. To make matters worse, the SNP group still hasn’t appointed new auditors, even as the legal deadline for doing so looms closer.
“Scots who want to see SNP parliamentarians focussed on NHS waiting lists, broken down ferries and the sewage being pumped into rivers will be shaking their heads.”