McArthur comments on prison report and plans for young prisoners

Responding to a new Scottish Human Rights Commission report which found 83% of previous recommendations given by human rights bodies to Scottish prisons have yet to be implemented and little-to-no progress has been made in the last decade, and to Angela Constance’s interview on Good Morning Scotland this morning in which she responded to the death of a 17 year old in Polmont Young Offenders Institute, Scottish Liberal Democrat justice spokesperson Liam McArthur MSP said:
“Angela Constance is the fifth SNP Justice Secretary and each one has promised that they we were getting on top of the issues in Scotland’s prisons.
“Report after report has recommended changes but either the will or the resources have not been provided to make their recommendations a reality.
“We have seen tragedy upon tragedy pile up, from young people taking their own lives to terrifying levels of self-harm.
“This is terrible for prisoners but also terrible for the communities they may return to because it means that its doubly difficult for proper rehabilitation efforts to take place.
“The Scottish Government must at long last ensure that young people are dealt with through secure alternatives to prison and deliver long overdue reform of mental health care with mental health workers in every prison.”