McArthur: GEOAmey must shape up after damning prison report

Responding to a new report from Audit Scotland which warns that the issues facing Scotland’s justice sector are of "significant concern" and flags failures by contractor GEOAmey to transfer prisoners in Scotland which "has resulted in significant delays and inefficiencies across the justice system", Scottish Liberal Democrat justice spokesperson Liam McArthur MSP said:
“The contract with GEOAmey has gone from bad to worse and it seems like months more of delays are now expected. Court time is being wasted and victims, defendants and court staff are being put through the mill.
“In my own Orkney constituency it has meant that trials have had to take place on the mainland. That's not in anybody's interests.
"It's time for the Justice Secretary to take charge and tell GEOAmey to shape up or ship out.
"This is far from the only challenge facing Scottish prisons however. Prison numbers have soared and court backlogs are proving a stubborn problem. Those sitting at the cabinet table have a duty to ensure Scotland's justice system is safe, effective and well resourced."