McArthur responds to Criminal Proceedings statistics

Scottish Liberal Democrat justice spokesperson Liam McArthur MSP has today called on the SNP government to invest in the justice system and deliver for victims of crime, after figures published this week revealed that the conviction rate for rape and attempted rape has been the lowest of all crime and offences in each of the last ten years.
The Criminal Proceedings in Scotland statistics revealed that in 2021-22, 52% of people proceeded against for rape and attempted rape were acquitted. 37% of people proceeded against for sexual assault were also acquitted in the same year.
Mr McArthur said:
“These figures come amid serious concerns about the experiences of victims of sexual crime in our justice system.
“For some time now, my party has been calling for reform which strikes the appropriate balance between the rights of the accused and the needs of victims. The government has brought forward proposals but parliament must now ensure that these do indeed strike that balance.
“However, repeated cuts to the justice budget by this SNP/Green administration have threatened to hamstring investigations and undermine prosecutions.
“To improve the management of sexual offence cases, it is vital that the Scottish Government progress with proportionate reform supported by proper investment in our justice system as a whole.”
Commenting on the fact that despite there being over 16,500 cases of fraud reported in 2021-22, there were just 233 convictions for fraud offences in that year, Mr McArthur added:
“We know that fraud has almost doubled since 2019, so it is alarming to see so few convictions for such a prevalent offence.
“People are already experiencing financial hardship amid a biting cost of living crisis. That situation is made worse by fraudsters looking to take advantage.
“Scottish Liberal Democrats are calling on the government to enhance support for Police Scotland so that fraud teams have the tools, time and expertise to pursue crimes properly.”