McArthur responds to opposition to assisted dying bill

Responding to the letter to MSPs co-ordinated by opponents of assisted dying, Liam McArthur MSP said:
“Our current laws on assisted dying are failing too many terminally ill Scots at the end of life.
“I appreciate that some are concerned about a slippery slope but my bill is extremely clear about the specific and limited circumstances it will give terminally ill adults the choice they need.
“This bill contains robust safeguards, similar to those which have been safely and successfully introduced in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the United States where they continue to enjoy strong public support. Indeed where a terminal illness and mental capacity model similar to mine has been introduced there has never been a loosening of the eligibility criteria.
“To be clear, disability itself would not be grounds for accessing assisted under the provisions of my bill. Any individual would have to have an advanced, progressive terminal illness and capacity to access this choice.
“Moreover polling suggests strong support for assisted dying laws amongst people with disabilities, at roughly the same level as in the general population.
“As parliament begins its scrutiny of my bill, however, I will continue to engage with charities, organisations and my fellow MSPs to understand their perspectives on this important issue and hopefully allay any concerns."