More than 1,000 die from suspected drug deaths in 2022

Following new figures showing that once again, more than 1,000 people died from suspected drugs deaths in 2022, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader and health spokesperson Alex Cole-Hamilton has today said that Nicola Sturgeon has left behind “an appalling legacy."
The Police Scotland management data shows that there were 1,092 suspected drug deaths in 2022. They also showed that between October and December 2022, there were 295 suspected drug deaths, which is the highest number recorded in a quarter since spring 2021.
Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said:
“These figures are stories of lives cut short and potential extinguished. They are stories of opportunities lost. They are stories of families and friends grieving.
“Every drug death is preventable, so I will never understand why the SNP, by its own admission, took its eye off the ball and chose to ignore the crisis as it unfolded. I find that impossible to accept.
“As Nicola Sturgeon departs Bute House, she leaves behind an appalling legacy that is this country’s drug deaths crisis. Radical change is needed and it is needed quickly.
“Scottish Liberal Democrats are calling for the immediate introduction of specialist drug commissions, the decriminalisation of drug misuse and for safe consumption spaces to be available across the country.
“The Scottish Government owes it to families to do everything in its power to stop people dying.”