Rennie: Education Secretary's tough talk fails
After months of issuing threats to councils that the government would punish them by withholding £145million if they didn’t protect teacher numbers, the Education Secretary has instead released all the funds even though teacher numbers are down by 621. The Education Secretary also agreed to provide councils with an extra £41million next year.
Willie Rennie claims this is an “embarrassing climb-down” from the Education Secretary, whose negotiating strategy has been found wanting.
Scottish Liberal Democrat education spokesperson Willie Rennie MSP said:
“I can’t quite believe how badly the Education Secretary has handled this.
“For months the Education Secretary has issued dark threats to councils that their funding would be withdrawn if councils reduced teacher numbers.
“Yet on the very day that it was found that teachers are down 621, the Education Secretary released every single penny of the £145million. In fact, she went further and gave councils a bonus for next year.
“This decision represents an embarrassing climb-down.
“I hope this marks the end to the charade and the start of a mature discussion about the way forward with councils in future years.”