Rennie responds to damning evidence session on funding crisis at Dundee University

Responding to the evidence session at the Scottish Parliament’s Education Committee, during which the interim principal of Dundee University admitted there has been ‘incompetence’ at the top of the institution, as MSPs heard it could run out of cash by the end of June, Scottish Liberal Democrat education spokesperson Willie Rennie MSP said:
“The oppressive environment at the top of Dundee University prevented alarm bells from being raised. It shut down any questioning about the performance of the university and the evident financial problems.
“The independent investigation must get to the heart of this and those responsible must be held to account.
“But the government have got their heads in the sand over university funding. Dundee is in an extreme position, but many other institutions are facing very strong headwinds that the government are refusing to acknowledge.
“That is why we need urgent cross-party talks on the future of our universities sector, but so far the SNP seem reluctant to hold them.”