Rennie speaks ahead of latest independence paper

Speaking ahead of the Scottish Government's latest independence paper, Scottish Liberal Democrat Willie Rennie MSP said:
"The SNP's commitment to Europe is utterly superficial. They spent more money trying to beat the Lib Dems in the Shetland by-election than they did on their EU referendum campaign. If the SNP thought being anti-EU would win more votes for independence they would switch position without a second thought.
“Liberal Democrats are the most pro-European party. We’ve already shown that in Wales by setting in motion a £65m Erasmus replacement that has lined up 6,000 exchange opportunities. By contrast, the SNP haven't delivered a single spot for Scottish students to learn and study abroad.
"These papers consistently make wild promises about borders, banks and joining the EU which are completely disconnected from reality. No pro-European should be conned by the SNP's wild claims. Scotland should learn the lessons of Brexit, not repeat them with separation.”