Rennie speaks in motion of no confidence in Scottish Government

Speaking in Parliament during the motion of no confidence in the Scottish Government, Scottish Liberal Democrat Willie Rennie MSP said:
“This government is fond of saying that it’s the best, the best in the UK.
“Now, the best, I don’t think, is how you could judge the view of the single mother in my constituency who went without food in order to pay for her private dental bills because she couldn’t get an NHS dentist.
“Or the elderly man I met who was wincing with pain because his operation was delayed once again for his hip operation.
“Or the classroom assistant who had a broken wrist right in front of me because she had a violent incident with a pupil in a class. Or the islanders who are desperately waiting for a reliable ferry service.
“They’re not saying that this is the best, but this government is riddled with complacency. It believes that, somehow, because we’re marginally better on some occasions than the Conservative government that, somehow, we should be grateful for the performance of this government.
“We need a renewed mandate for this Parliament and that is why we should have an election.”