Serious questions need answered as recycling firm excluded from freedom of information laws

Scottish Liberal Democrat climate emergency spokesperson Liam McArthur MSP has today raised concerns about why the firm set up to administer the Scottish Government’s deposit return scheme was created in a form which renders it exempt from Freedom of Information legislation.
This has left the public and parliamentarians reliant on leaked reports to reveal the £300,000 salary of Circularity Scotland chief executive David Harris.
Mr McArthur said:
“I can see why it might appeal to secretive ministers to have their unwieldy and expensive new administrative body sit above public questioning but it’s terrible for transparent and effective governance.
“The public deserve to know why this organisation was set up like this, who took the decision and were alternative options considered, such as using a similar model to Crown Estate Scotland and Scottish Water? I have lodged a series of parliamentary questions looking to get answers.
“Dozens of countries around the world have successful deposit return schemes in place. Left in the hands of SNP and Green ministers, however, a good idea has turned into a mess risking business failure, consumer choice and public confidence. At the moment the only thing getting recycled is endless excuses.
“Further reform of Freedom of Information laws is needed and Scottish Liberal Democrats are clear that any organisation delivering services to the public sector should be open and accountable to the public.”