SNP minister heckled at fishing conference

Responding to reports that Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands Mairi Gougeon was heckled at the Scottish Skipper Expo in Aberdeen after her speech failed to mention the current controversy over highly protected marine areas, Far North MP Jamie Stone said:
“I feel sorry for Mairi Gougeon’s rough reception but frankly it’s ridiculous that a government minister could attend an event like this and not properly address the 200-ton whale in the room.
“Fishermen and coastal communities needed reassurances that their businesses are not about to be holed beneath the waterline. Instead they got ten minutes of waffle.
“Earlier in the week I raised this issue with the Prime Minister and I will continue to shout about it because it is of vital importance to my constituents and so many others across Scotland.
“The next time a Scottish Government minister heads north, I hope that they are better prepared with some answers.”