With new Fiscal Framework in place, Scot Gov must squeeze every penny

Responding to the Scottish and UK Governments reaching agreement on the Fiscal Framework, Scottish Liberal Democrat finance spokesperson John Ferry said:
"Allowing greater flexibility in how the Scotland Reserve is deployed and ensuring that borrowing and reserve limits grow in line with inflation are sensible, grown-up steps, which show the benefits of two governments working together calmly and professionally, rather than grandstanding over the constitution.
"Scotland's economy has stumbled along for more than a decade with fiascos like the Ferguson ferries highlighting the SNP's wastefulness and poor economic management.
"Growing the economy and delivering high wage, highly skilled jobs should be a top priority. It's also the best way to deliver more money for the Scottish Government to spend on public services.
"Now that there is clarity over Scotland's budget in future years, there can be no excuse for failing to put every penny to work supporting our NHS and tackling the cost of living crisis."